We are here to help your child through any dental emergencies they may experience. Our dental team at Atlantis Orthodontics and Pediatric Dental Specialists will get you and your child in to see our pediatric dentist for emergency pediatric dentistry in Dublin, California. If your child has a dental emergency, call us today at 925-833-0535 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Jenny Hsu!

Dental emergencies need to be taken care of as soon as possible to protect and restore your child’s smile. We encourage you to reach out to us as soon as possible when your child has a dental emergency so our pediatric dentist can give your child the dental care they require.

Contact us for emergency care if your child:

  • Experiences intense toothaches or other kinds of tooth pain
  • Has lost a filling or another kind of restoration
  • Has damaged their tongue, gums, cheeks or other soft tissues in their mouth
  • Has fractured or cracked one or more of their teeth
  • Has broken or chipped one or multiple teeth
  • Has partially or fully knocked out one or multiple teeth

If your child is experiencing a dental emergency not on this list, contact us as well. When you call in about your child’s dental emergency, we will provide you with instructions on what to do until you can come in to see us. Head or neck trauma should be addressed by taking your child to the emergency room, even if your child has also experienced damage to their smile. Want to learn more about dental emergencies? Call us today!

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